Pinterest vs Instagram for Business in 2022 (Which to Choose)

Casey Cunliffe of Second Fiddle smiles as she browses Pinterest on her phone; image overlaid with text that reads Pinterest vs Instagram for Business in 2022 (Which to Choose)

Today we want to talk about a very important question… Pinterest vs Instagram: which one is better for your business?

Instagram and Pinterest are both very popular platforms and apps, and having a presence on at least one of them should be an essential part of your digital marketing strategy. However, we know that time and resources are limited. There are only so many hours in a day, you’re busy, and budget feasibility is a consideration, too. So how do you know which platform is better for you to invest in?

Pinterest vs Instagram: One Main Similarity

First of all, when it comes to deciding between Pinterest vs Instagram, it is important to know these platforms have one key similarity. That is: they are both about sharing content that is primarily in the form of images and graphics. This kind of visual content is UBER important when it comes to marketing your business.

Here’s why: approximately 65% of the population are visual learners, meaning they learn best when seeing images, videos, etc. They prefer to see visual examples, versus written text. This means that visual platforms like Pinterest and Instagram can be highly effective ways to market your brand!

Keep in mind that Pinterest displays ALL of its search results as visual content, and users make over 2 billion Pinterest searches per month! On top of that, 600 million of those searches are visual searches. Instagram, on the other hand, has about 1 billion active monthly users, meaning over 1 billion people go on Instagram each month looking to see photos, graphics, and videos! This shows just how popular visual content can be. Millions of people are actively searching for it!

However, despite the similarity of sharing imagery, there’s a reason this post is about Pinterest vs Instagram. Instagram and Pinterest are very different platforms, with varying features and purposes. Depending on what the needs of your business are, one app may be more effective for marketing than the other.

Next, let’s look at the key factors that will help you figure out whether Pinterest vs Instagram is a better fit for your business.

Pinterest vs Instagram: Key Facts to Consider

#1 - Usage/Purpose

When it comes to Pinterest vs Instagram, the two platforms have different purposes. In other words, people use them to accomplish different things.

Pinterest calls itself a visual discovery engine. It is not merely a social media platform to connect with other people. It’s a place for users to discover new ideas and learn by following users and boards and searching Pinterest for specific search terms. Pinterest users save or “Pin” posts that they like and/or want to remember for later use.

Instagram is much more personal in nature. You can take pictures and videos directly in the app and post them from there. It’s more about being authentic and posting content that looks like it’s in the moment; real life. Think “behind the scenes” content. It’s less about learning or finding new ideas and more about connecting with people and brands you already love.

In short: Instagram is primarily a social media platform, while Pinterest is more than that: it is a search engine. 

#2 - Mobile versus desktop

Another key difference for Pinterest vs Instagram is what devices you can access these platforms from. 

Instagram is only a mobile app. You can’t post on Instagram from a laptop or desktop, though you can use a limited number of functions, such as viewing posts and writing comments. 

On the other hand, Pinterest is fully functional on both desktop and mobile, so you can reach people who use either kind of device. Having said that, about 85% of Pinterest users use the mobile app

#3 - Links

Do you want to lead more people to your website? Then you should promote your website on Pinterest and Instagram!

For increasing website traffic by putting links to your site out there, Pinterest is definitely better. This is because Pinterest has more places to share links; in fact, every pin can include a link to its original source (aka your website).

On Instagram, there is typically only one place where you can share a link: in your profile bio. (However, if you have enough followers, you may be able to use Instagram’s “Swipe Up” feature to add links to your Instagram Stories.)

#4 - Target audience

Comparing Pinterest vs Instagram also shows us that the platforms have very different user demographics. 

More than 60% of Pinterest users are women (though the number of male users increased by 50% in 2020, according to Pinterest). Out of 442 million monthly users, this comes out to over 265 million women! 

Another one of Pinterest’s key audience segments is people planning their weddings. In fact, you could say that Pinterest is wedding planning central: about 40 million people per year use Pinterest to plan their weddings. This totals to about 900 million wedding-related pins per year!

Instagram has its own diverse range of users. Both men and women use Instagram evenly; it’s not significantly more popular with one gender over another. However, one age-specific demographic does stick out. Instagram is definitely most popular with people ages 18-29. Exemplifying this, 67% of people ages 18-29 in the US use Instagram!

#5 - Hashtags

Hashtag usage is one place where the Pinterest vs Instagram debate can find some common ground. They are popular and encouraged on both platforms! Adding hashtags to your Instagram captions and Pin descriptions helps other people searching for that hashtag find your content (and/or other content tagged with that hashtag).

For example: Let’s say you’re a wedding photographer who specializes in shooting boho weddings. If you include “#bohowedding” on your post (on both Instagram and Pinterest), then your post will show up on a feed for that hashtag on each respective site. This is another great way to ensure that people looking for the exact kind of content you provide can find your work.

#6 - Engagement on Pinterest vs Instagram

It’s important to answer the question, “How do people engage with content on Pinterest vs Instagram?”

Between the two platforms, Instagram definitely tends to be more conversational and relational. This is fitting since it is seen as the more “personal” app, where authenticity is key. Following your friends (and favorite brands and celebrities), “liking” their posts, and writing comments and messages. See what we mean about being relational and conversational?

Pinterest is not as conversational per se, as commenting and messaging are not the main features in use. This does not mean the app is not interactive, however. Saving (pinning) Pins to boards (after finding them on your home feed or search results pages) is the main way people engage with Pinterest. Yes, you can follow other people (or specific boards from other users). However, the main purpose of doing this is to find and save content that you love on your own boards. Of course, you can also create Pins from content you see on the web that you love, as well. 

To summarize this difference between Pinterest vs Instagram, Instagram is about connecting with people, while Pinterest is more about connecting with ideas and content.

Pinterest vs Instagram: How to Choose Which One to Use

So, now that you know the main similarities and differences between Pinterest vs Instagram, it’s time to choose the platform that is right for you.

Before you do so, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to help find the right fit:

  • What’s your goal with your digital marketing? Is it to increase your website traffic? Or do you want to build a more personal connection with your audience?

  • Speaking of your audience...who exactly is your target audience (aka your dream client)?

  • What kind of content do you primarily have? (Professional photos, infographics, behind the scenes photos/videos, blog posts, video tutorials, etc.)

Keep your answers in mind as we look at when it might be best to use Pinterest or Instagram...

Quick tip: if you’re a wedding photographer that’s still trying to figure out who your ideal client is, check out our free worksheet to help you identify your dream client!

When to use Pinterest

Pinterest is a great fit for you if you really want to increase your website traffic and/or increase your e-commerce sales. This is THE place for you to share your content that will teach, inspire, and so much more!

Do you also have a blog for your business? If so, Pinterest is a great place to promote your blog content through gorgeous, informative graphics. Pinterest users LOVE useful content! (Of course, beautiful, aesthetically pleasing imagery also does well on Pinterest, too.)

Finally, if your ideal client is a woman and/or someone getting married, Pinterest is the platform for you! We highly recommend that businesses in the wedding industry utilize Pinterest marketing!

When to use Instagram

Have tons of gorgeous photos you’re ready to share with the world? These are also a great fit for Instagram. If you want to connect on a more personal level to show off the more “human” side of your brand, use Instagram!

Instagram is also a good fit for you if….

  • You’re just starting out and you don’t have a ton of blogs or “useful” content to share just yet

  • Your target audience is gender-neutral (meaning you want to reach both men and women equally)

Our advice as digital marketing strategists...

Here at Second Fiddle, we are digital marketing strategists ourselves. Want to know what we recommend when it comes to the Pinterest vs Instagram debate?

Use BOTH Pinterest and Instagram to cross-promote your content!

Our approach isn’t really about “Pinterest vs Instagram”. Rather, we like to help our clients use both apps strategically to get the most return on their efforts. Here’s how…

We primarily help wedding photographers use their content on Pinterest to generate higher website traffic (so that more of their dream clients find them). We have overwhelmingly found that Pinterest is by far the most effective way to increase website traffic!

A defining moment for us was when we were reviewing a Google Analytics report for one of our wedding photographer clients.  As we looked over the report, we realized that, in one month, Pinterest had brought about 250% more website traffic than Google search and 700% more traffic than Instagram! You gotta love those numbers!

We are also firm believers in cross-promoting our clients’ website and Pinterest content on Instagram so that their Instagram followers are enticed to check out more content on the client’s other digital platforms, too. Utilizing multiple marketing avenues never hurts! 

Let Second Fiddle handle your Pinterest Marketing

Not sure where your business needs to land when choosing between “Pinterest vs Instagram”? Or, maybe you know that you need to get started with Pinterest, but aren’t sure if this is something you’re ready to take on yourself. Either way, let Second Fiddle help you! We would love to help you find your dream clients through Pinterest marketing!



Andrew and Casey Cunliffe, founders of Second Fiddle, smile as they work together on a project; image overlaid with text that reads Pinterest vs Instagram for Business in 2022 (Which to Choose)
iPad and Macbook showing the Second Fiddle Pinterest and Instagram profiles; image overlaid with text that reads Pinterest vs Instagram for Business in 2022 (Which to Choose)


Jumpstart Your Pinterest Strategy and Begin Attracting Your Dream Client

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